Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Escape To Solitude

A walk by the beach in the evening, on my own
Or a night on the terrace, under the stars... all alone
Or on the roof looking at the faint glow of the city lights far away, by myself

Its not loneliness, its solitude! There's absolutely nothing like spending sometime with oneself. A time to ponder, realise and rejoice over the marvel that life is!

The highest terrace on our building was unlocked a few days ago. I don't know how long it will remain that way because the girls are strictly not allowed up there. The first time I went there, I instantly lost track of all time and people. Its a whole new feeling to stand there overlooking the city, with untouched winds blowing about, and a boundless sky studded with so many stars, twinkling. Everything is so pure and untouched, almost sacred. The silence of the night is so wonderful, it gave me rushes! Its a whole other world, that has recently worked its way into my twilight zone. Now, something draws me to that place every night. I lean by the low wall and look out the horizon with the city below, and the heavens above... The place that reminds me of how carefree and beautiful life is, and how everything is taken care of and there is nothing to worry about! :)